Mapping your own continuity sounds fascinating John. I really relate to what you say about moving on completely from past lives/selves. Looking back, my life has been quite compartmentalised into different stages of myself, and they don't really talk to each other. I don't have journals, but occasionally some little piece of writing or memory will pop up and I end up thinking - was I really like that?! Was that really me?! I am forced to conclude that it was! But I really don't like the answer. Not being a pro-creative, I think my version of your project is to maintain and occasionally resurrect age-old friendships from different times in my life, in the hope that if those people still want to be friends with me, then despite my own narrative, I must've been a good person back then after all. I wonder, if I asked them about my last self, if I could map my own continuity, and connect the dots between all the people I have been.

Thank you for the inspiration. Good luck, take care, Tom

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Thanks for this - you've put it in a really interesting way. I certainly relate to fearing that, when I meet a former self, I'll not like them. Going through with it and doing it anyway becomes a sort of exposure therapy!

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